How To Book A Civil Ceremony Or Church Wedding
How To Get Married.
Details of how to go about arranging a civil ceremony or church wedding with the registry office. What you need to know, and who to contact. Also see our civil ceremony music ideas page & wedding ceremony musicians roster.
Civil Ceremony
If you wish to marry by civil ceremony, at a register office or other building approved for civil marriage, you will need to contact the superintendent registrar of the district where you wish to marry. You may marry at any register office or approved premises of your choice in England or Wales. However, for a marriage in an approved premise e.g a hotel licensed by the local authority, you will also need to make arrangements at the venue. In addition, you will both need to personally give a formal notice of your marriage to the superintendent registrar of the district(s) where you live.
View the current list of approved premises for civil marriage in England and Wales
This list is regularly updated. The information is supplied by the local authority that grants the approval. If you are interested in a venue that is not on the list, please contact the venue or the local authority.
For more information on registering to get married please also see the DirectGov web site >
Church of England or church in Wales
If you wish to be married in the Church of England or Church in Wales - and generally you will be able to do so only if you or your partner live in the parish - you should first speak to the Vicar. If he agrees to marry you he will arrange for the Banns to be called on three Sundays before the day of your ceremony or for a common licence to be issued. The marriage will also need to be registered by the Vicar. There is usually no need to involve the local superintendent registrar.
Other places of religious worship
If you wish to marry by religious ceremony other than in the Church of England or Church in Wales you should first arrange to see the minister or other person in charge of marriages at the building. However, the Church or religious building in question must normally be in the registration district where you or your partner live. It will also be necessary for both of you to give formal notice of your marriage to the superintendent registrar of the district(s) where you live. A registrar may also need to be booked from the Register Office in order to register the marriage.
More useful links
Photos by: Andrew Billington