Halloween Kids Party Games
Halloween Party Planning Advice.
A small selection of popular party games for your kids to play this Halloween.
Apple Bobbing
A large bowl of water is placed on the floor (a baby bath is ideal for this if you have one). Without using their hands, they have to try and lift an apple out of the water using their teeth. Children can wear aprons if you have them and spread plenty of newspaper over the floor as this can get quite messy!
Dangling Doughnuts
Tie some doughnuts with holes in the centre using a length of elastic or string and hang them from a pole in a row. Without using their hands AND without licking their lips, the children must munch through their doughnut. The first to eat the whole doughnut is the winner.
Watch out - this game can get quite messy!
Witches' Cauldron
Fill a bowl or 'cauldron' with items that represent different body parts. Put things like peeled grapes in the box and pretend they are feeling eyeballs, linked sausages for intestines, cauliflower for brains, a balloon filled with water for a heart, liquorice laces for veins or jelly for liver.
Get the children to sit blindfolded in a circle and take it in turns to pull out each item and guess what it is.
Pumpkin Lanterns
To create a true Halloween atmosphere you really need a pumpkin lantern, put it near a window or outside your front door or have it as centre piece on your table. They are easy to make and pumpkins are cheap and plentiful at this time of year.
Using a sharp knife, cut a thick slice off the top of a fairly large pumpkin. Reserve the top for the lid.
Scoop out the seeds using a spoon and discard them along with any fibrous threads. Carefully cut and spoon out the pumpkin flesh leaving about 2cm flesh all the way round. You can keep the flesh you remove to make recipes like pumpkin soup or pumpkin pie.
Using a pencil or felt pen, mark out the facial features on the front of the pumpkin. Then cut around the lines using a small pointed knife, cutting away small sections at a time.
Place a night light inside the pumpkin. Light the candle and place the lid on top.
Mummy Wrap
Take your party and divide them into partners. You will need a lot of toilet paper. One person will be the mummy, and the other will be the wrapper. The object of the game is for the wrapper to cover toilet paper around his or her mummy, including their arms which are held out. The winner is the first person to be wrapped like a mummy in toilet paper.
Pumpkin Bowling
You will need: oranges, plastic bottles of water.
Draw pumpkin faces onto the oranges and substitute your living room for the local bowling alley. Use the bottles of water in them as pins and replace the ball with the oranges and try to get a strike!
Graveyard Game
Choose one person to be the grave keeper. The grave keeper closes his/her eyes and counts to ten while everyone else gets into a good frozen position and stands very still. The grave keeper then walks around looking for anyone who moves. If the grave keeper catches you moving (breathing doesn't count), you are out. You can move positions when the gravekeeper's back is turned but don't get caught moving. The last person left is the winner and can be the new grave keeper if you choose to play another round.