Luca The Magician Joins Alive Network
Magician For Hire.
On Halloween (31st Oct) Luca Valentino was invited to Alive Network Headquarters to audition his magical talents to our panel of judges. Read this blog to find out what happened that day and what happened next!
Hello, I'm Luca Valentino the magician. I've been listed on Alive Network Entertainment Agency’s website since November 2014. I rank myself as somewhat of a newbie here, so what better way to announce myself on this grand stage than composing a glorious blog post about my time with Alive so far!?
I stumbled across Alive Network back in October via Google. Within an hour of sending over my application, I’d received a response inviting me to an audition. A superb start… because ‘a company runs on efficiency of communication’ (the wise words of one of my personal idols, David Brent – from The Office).
As for the audition itself… well, there was a panel of judges all doing their best Simon Cowell imitations, a spotlight glaring in my face and buzzers for if they think I'm rubbish. Then there's the part where they can proceed to shower me with criticism, should I not live up to standards…
OK, that’s not strictly true. I may have felt like I was auditioning for Britain’s Got Talent, but really, I had nothing to worry about. There were no buzzers and the panel of judges (staff at Alive) were all really nice, eager to engage with my act and when I pulled the tricks off, they seemed very impressed. I couldn't have felt more at ease during the audition and to receive such a great reaction from the judges was humbling.
I was soon accepted onto the agency and my profile was promptly set up and made live - ready for business!
Not knowing what to expect, you can imagine how chuffed I was when, within a couple of weeks, I’d received three enquiries – two of which converted into bookings for December, 2014!
One was a private event, the other was for ITV Central’s Christmas party in Birmingham. The ITV gig certainly was a great experience and I got to perform magic to some of their household names, such as main news presenter, Bob Warman. I thoroughly enjoyed both bookings – as I always do!
All-in-all, it’s been a cracking first few months with Alive Network. Their service is second to none and the team is brilliant. They even assisted me in getting some INSANELY good new photos taken, which are on my profile and some feature in this blog!
I’m super, super hyped for what 2015 will bring. The journey with Alive has been top dollar so far, but I’m sure this is just the beginning…