Hire Wedding Entertainment in Basingstoke
Southwest DJs
Southwest DJs are modern & professional DJs of the highest quality. Young, fresh & current but still highly experienced, Southwest DJs will tailor their se...
Bella Melodia
Guitar/Piano & Vocal duo performing Italian classics and standard jazz songs. Bella Melodia will provide a fabulous Italian atmosphere for your event!...
ReDiscovered is an energetic female-fronted party band suitable for weddings, corporate events & all other occasions. With songs from Rolling Stones, Kings...
All Acoustic
A professional & experienced Vocal Guitar and Double Bass Duo who deliver an easy listening set of Pop & Rock hits across the decades. From The Beatles to ...
Acoustic Avenue
All female acoustic duo Acoustic Avenue are a rare gem. with a wealth of experience performing all over the UK and further afield, their unique take on the...
Having trouble finding the perfect Wedding Entertainment?
If you would like help finding the perfect wedding entertainment in basingstoke, simply give us a call or submit the quick enquiry form below and one of our talented entertainment coordinators will be happy to assist.
Or call 01782 740839 for immediate assistance
The Retro Tones
Armed with incredible musicianship & stunning two part harmonies, The Retro Tones will have you feeling nostalgic with their repertoire of fun throwback cl...
Good Fortune
Performing a mix of genres, from old school classics to modern pop, Good Fortune are a multi-sized band that are available in any line up of your choice. F...
Stephen James
Stephen James is a multi instrumentalist with music at his core, who aims to bring an air of class and sophistication to your event. Providing a beautiful ...
David the Illusionist
An award winning member of the Magic Circle, David is an expert in entertainment. With an ultimate entertainment package including Close Up & Table Mag...
Quick n Quirky Caricatures
When only the best caricaturists will do! Quick 'n' Quirky Caricatures makes his drawing the star of the show. Bringing his artistic talents to your events...
Close Up Oz
Close Up Oz is the perfect way to bring magic, laughter and intrigue to your event. Able to mix and mingle with the crowd seamlessly, providing mind bendin...
Swing Central
One of the UK's most popular vintage bands - a mini big band who bring the sounds of the Swing Era back to life, with an electrifying show full of incredib...
Royal Monroe
With amazing female & male lead vocals, driving guitar riffs & powerhouse drums, Royal Monroe will take you dancing late into the night with a crowd-pleasi...
The Louise Parker Quartet
Louise Parker presents her great jazz quartet. They cover all the legends of jazz, from Billie Holiday and Ray Charles to Roberta Flack and Bill Withers. A...
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