Our guests really loved his accurate representations

5 stars - The Super Caricaturist are Highly Recommended

Review Wedding Berkshire

booked The Super Caricaturist for their Wedding


Rob was very happy to help. I asked him to change the studio drawn portrait a bit and he did so very quickly. Bear in mind, though, that he doesn't actually draw you in the situation that you are in in the photograph, he just uses the faces. So if I'd known that I would have sent one with our faces the best they could be, not one where I liked the overall picture the best. He was very popular on the day and got through many people, lots of whom came and showed me their pictures proudly afterwards. Older people also enjoyed having their pictures drawn.

Performance quality: 5 stars
Behaviour: 4 stars
Communication: 4 stars
Audience engagement: 5 stars
Value for money: 4 stars