Psychic Diva's Review Centre

4 Customer Reviews

Her level of professionalism along with her ability to keep ...

5 stars - Psychic Diva are Highly Recommended
booked Psychic Diva for their event May 2024

“I enlisted the help of Psychic Diva to present to a group 40+ PA's this Summer. Her level of professionalism along with her ability to "keep it real" far out weighs other female presents I have seen in the past 5 years. Psychic Diva is a realist, she doesn't sugar coat and give you the "corporate line", she talks from her own personal experience, which is why the audience was mesmerized. The feedback from this event has always been positive and left the audience feeling empowered but definitely wanting more!! I would highly recommend Psychic Diva to anyone looking for a guest speaker/presenter. She is interesting, relevant and actually does have a real experience unlike ither in the circuit.”

There’s always a lightbulb moment when something resonates a...

5 stars - Psychic Diva are Highly Recommended
booked Psychic Diva for their event May 2024

“I’ve heard Samantha Jayne speak on many occasions, with great passion and knowledge. There’s always a lightbulb moment when something resonates and clicks into place. Every time I come away feeling more in tune with myself and a greater understanding of how this world works. Thank you Sam’. It is always an enlightening pleasure!.”

Mediumship Demonstration

5 stars - Psychic Diva are Highly Recommended
booked Psychic Diva for their event May 2024

“Thank you so much. We were blown away by this evening and are still buzzing. x”

I love listneing to Sam Speak!

5 stars - Psychic Diva are Highly Recommended
booked Psychic Diva for their event April 2024

“I love listening to Sam Speak! To start she always makes me laugh but she is also so inspiring and to hear the things she has gone through and now be such a kickass busniness leader is just WOW! She gives you things to think about but to know she is speaking with authenticity of lived experience just makes it so much more empowering. Would highly recommend you go see her speak if you haven't!”