Elite Rhythmic Gymnasts' Review Centre

3 Customer Reviews

Incredible performers that didn't disappoint!

5 stars - Elite Rhythmic Gymnasts are Highly Recommended
booked Elite Rhythmic Gymnasts for their event in London

“We booked for of the gymnasts to create a high impact fast paced performance to kick start the evening event after an awards ceremony for a large corporate client. The performers worked hard to create the perfect performance that was choreographed specifically for us. They were great at crafting a show stopping display in a small space in a very full room, flexing their normal space needed and ways of working. The audience loved them and cheered for ages once they'd even left the stage!”

Seriously, they were fantastic.

5 stars - Elite Rhythmic Gymnasts are Highly Recommended
booked Elite Rhythmic Gymnasts for their event

“They were AMAZING!!!! Un-believable! And so lovely to work with. Seriously, they were fantastic.”

Please pass my thanks onto the gymnasts, they were superstar...

5 stars - Elite Rhythmic Gymnasts are Highly Recommended
booked Elite Rhythmic Gymnasts for their event

“The gymnasts were amazing and also incredibly easy to work with. They were no fuss, took care of themselves and then put on a stunning show. We are due to get our professional shots in at the end of the week, so I’ll be sure to pass any on. Please pass my thanks onto the gymnasts, they were superstars! ”